Events » Current Events » Forget-Me-Knot
Venue | This show will take place at Heretaunga Players The Studio 52 Ward Street, Upper Hutt
Thursday 3 April | 8pm
Friday 4 April | 8pm
Saturday 5 April | 3pm
Sunday 6 April | 3pm
Wednesday 9 April | 8pm
Thursday 10 April | 8pm
Friday 11 April | 8pm
Saturday 12 April | 8pm
by David Tristram, and directed for Heretaunga Players by Ruth Sarratt, 3rd to 12th April 2025.
Robert Zeinfeld is not the man he thought he was. Then again, he can’t actually remember who he was. Or can he? Inspector Monroe doesn’t know whether to believe Robert or not. Trouble is, the deeper he digs, the more confused he gets, until he finds himself wrestling a plot with more twists than a buckled slinky! Mrs Zeinfeld is no help. Funnily enough, neither is Mrs Monroe!
This wickedly witty comedy from David Tristram will leave audiences weak with laughter, and debating the question “is he, or isn’t he?” all the way home.
Forget-Me-Knot is performed at The Studio, 52 Ward St, Upper Hutt April, 3rd to 6th (Wednesday to Sunday) and 9th to 12th (Thursday to Saturday). Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th are matinées starting at 3pm; all other performances start at 8pm.