Japanese Pottery

Sunday 1 December | 1.00pm - 2.00pm

A talk by Dr Kumiko Jacolin, a ceramic artist and researcher whose work and studies explore Japanese aesthetics, language, and traditional pottery.

Kumiko is passionate about the cultural and linguistic expressions found in ceramic art. Her upcoming talk on Yakishime (December 1st, 1:00 pm) will introduce this ancient Japanese technique, known for its unglazed, high-fired stoneware that reveals the raw beauty of clay. Kumiko’s work is influenced by the principles of wabi-sabi and Japanese kintsugi (the art of binding broken pottery with lacquer and gold, symbolizing imperfection in perfection). Her talk will explore Yakishime’s historical and cultural significance and offer insights into how ceramics and its process reflect our lives. Through her work and research, Kumiko aims to inspire a deeper appreciation for ceramics as a form of cross-cultural dialogue.Free event | No bookings required